Join us

  • Does your brand supply the travel retail market?
  • Do you want the benefits of a supportive supply club that serves the travel retail industry?

Applications for membership are always welcome. Simply contact us.

Benefits of membership

Membership provides excellent networking opportunities within the industry, both in terms of regular meetings between the different representative suppliers and the annual social event for buyers and retailers.

  • Trade discussions amongst travel retail professionals
  • Sharing of operational insights and buyer contacts
  • Key industry speakers providing valuable insights
  • Corporate hospitality that is affordable as part of the group

Exclusive membership by category

The TRC enjoys a wide cross-category membership of travel retail suppliers representing British and global brands. Please be aware that membership is restricted to one company per segment within a specified category. But with new categories opening up and with natural changes in our membership, it’s always advisable to make contact to express your interest in becoming a member.

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