Dear Members and Travel Retail Friends,

I am writing to you as the chairperson of the Travel Retail Consortium to express my gratitude for your ongoing support. The TRC exists purely for the benefit of members, committed to focusing on and promoting its brands along with hosting Travel Retail customer social events. Raising funds for our chosen charity is another important activity and this year we will continue to support The Family Holiday Charity Our Story | Family Holiday Charity

Throughout the past few years, our consortium has faced unprecedented challenges due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and a rapidly changing industry. Despite these obstacles, we have witnessed remarkable resilience and adaptability within our community, as well as a steadfast commitment to maintaining the true values of the consortium.

Looking ahead, we are eager to embrace the opportunities within the travel retail industry whilst having fun!

As the chairperson, I am honoured to lead such a dynamic and forward-thinking consortium, and I am inspired by the unwavering dedication of our members and partners. Together, we will navigate the evolving landscape of travel retail with determination and ingenuity, and we will emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

I encourage each of you to remain actively engaged with the consortium, to leverage the resources and expertise available to you, and to contribute your insights and perspectives. as we collectively adapt to the future of travel retail.

Lastly, I would like to welcome the new companies joining us as members this year. We have a busy program of activities ahead and your presence only strengthens our position within the travel retail industry. We continue to welcome applications by brands who believe they could benefit from membership of the TRC – if interested please do contact me via

Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to our continued collaboration and success.




Sharon Edwards

Chairperson, Travel Retail Consortium